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2024-10-17 07:39:23 来源:五月披裘网 作者:休闲 点击:622次

长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌 张千)第十九届中国(深圳)国内文化工业博览交易会上有哪些河北元素?让咱们一起去追寻!文博

本届文博会的国内河北展分说为五大版块,有1000 多件展品参展,北展并精选 241 件妨碍重点展现。非遗比喻,文博河北各地的国内磁器、剪纸、北展皮影、非遗蛋雕……咱们都能在这里看到。文博


Hello,北展 everyone! This is Joanna, the Great Wall New Media reporter, coming to you from the 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair. Today, I want to find out how many cultural elements of Hebei province here. Let's have a look!

The Hebei exhibition area is divided into five major sections. More than 1000 exhibits are here, and 241 are selected for key displays, such as porcelains from various parts of Hebei, paper-cut, shadow play, egg carving, writing brushes and so on.

According to the cultural context of canals and the Great Wall, intangible cultural heritage exhibits are systematically sorted out, showcasing the splendid historical culture of Hebei.
