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2024-10-16 22:12:20 来源:五月披裘网 作者:探索 点击:963次



arrival form    到达表    

passport    护照    

visa    签证    

green card    绿卡    

baggage/luggage    行李    

baggage claim ticket/check    行李牌    

suitcase    手提箱    

carry-on    随身行李    

carousel    (机场的请收)行李传递带;转盘    

lost baggage claim    迷失行李认领    

customs declaration form    海关报告表    

duty    税   

flight schedule    航班妄想    

terminal    航站楼;尽头站    

boarding    登机    

airport shuttle    机场大巴    

Customs    海关    

airline office    航空公司办公室    

deliver    交付;运载;传递    

declare    报告    

Skycap Service    机场行李搬运服务    

emergency exit    紧迫进口    

gate    登机门    

ticketing/check-in    (机场的)规画登机手续    

car dealer    汽车经销商    

stop sign    停车符号    

parking lot    停车场    

greyhound    美国灰狗短途汽车    

public transportation card    公共交通卡    

bus route    公交道路    

subway station    地铁站    

underground    地铁    

metroline    地铁    

transfer    转乘;转折    

taxi stand    出租车停泊站    

pick sb. up    开车去接某人    

drop sb. off    让某人下车    

subway map    地铁舆图    

ticket window    售票窗口    

flight number    航班号    

boarding pass/card    登机牌    

platform    站台    

credit card    信誉卡    

overweight    超重    

check-in counter    检票柜台    

scale    行李称重秤    

one-way ticket/single ticket    单程票    

non-stop flight    直飞航班    

security check    安检    

seat preference    座位偏好    

book/reserve    预约    

destination    指标地    

round-trip ticket/return ticket    往返票    

tray    餐桌板;托盘    

taxiing    滑行    

take off    着落    

landing    着落    

captain    机长    

pilot    飞翔员    

stewardess    空姐    

passenger    旅客    

cabin    机舱    

airsick    晕机    

blanket    毛毯    

seat belt    牢靠带    

oxygen mask    氧气面罩    

aisle    过道    

call button    呼叫按钮    

compartment    行李舱    

restroom    洗手间    

mineral    矿泉水    

turbulence    气流    

juice    果汁    

coffee    咖啡    

soda    苏吊水    

tea    茶    

getting on board    登机    

transit passenger    过境旅客    

baggage missing    行李迷失    

baggage damage    行李破损    

report missing    报告迷失    

luggage trolley    行李车    

fragile    易碎品    

store baggage    寄存行李    

transfer hall    中转大厅    

transit lounge    过境劳动厅    

lost and found office    行李查问处    

i妹妹igration form    入境注销表    

green passageway    绿色通道    

student visa    学生签证    

transit permit    过境答应    

dutiable    应交税的    

duty-free    免税    

prohibited things    违禁品    

laptop    条记本电脑    

camera    摄影机    


Excuse me, where can I get my luggage?

Which carousel is for the luggage from China?

I see that our suitcases on the conveyor best.

Can I use this baggage cart?

What is the purpose of your visit/stay?

How long will you stay?

Where will you be staying?

Do you have a return ticket?

Do you have any relatives in the United States?

Do you have your visa?

Going through the Customs

A: Can I see your passport please, sir?

B: OK. Here it is.

A: How long will you be in China?

B: For two weeks.

A: Where will you be staying?

B: Beijing and Shanghai.

A: What is the purpose of your visit?

B: For business and pleasure.

A: Do you have anything to declare?

B: No, I don’t have anything to declare.

A: OK. There you go. Enjoy your stay.

B: Thanks!

Losing Luggage

A: One of my suitcases hasn’t arrived yet.

B: Were you on flight 158 from Shanghai?

A: Yes, I was.

B: That flight has been cleared. Your baggage should have been here by now.

A: Oh, my God! I’ve lost my baggage?

B: I am sorry, sir. You will have to fill out this form and submit it at the airline office here.

A: Then what?

B: As soon as we find your luggage, we will deliver it to you.


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